Sunday, October 14, 2012

Corn Chicken Chili for Fall

This has gotten to be one of my 'stand by' recipes for the slow cooker!  We love it, and it's very quick and easy!   Oh, did I mention, healthy and economical too?

Corn Chicken Chili

4 Chicken breast tenders - cut into bite size pieces
1 Medium onion chopped
2 Cans Low Sodium Kidney Beans (1 each light & dark for variety)
1 Can diced Tomatoes
1 Small Can Tomato sauce (or paste if using juice from cans)
1 Small Can whole Corn Nuggets
2 Tbsp Chili Powder (Adjust to taste)

Combine all the above in slow cooker, stir well, cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours.

This easily makes 2 meals for the 2 of us!  Easy to increase the ingredients if you have a larger family and a larger slow cooker!  Enjoy!

Here's another healthy way to cook a quick, easy chicken chili that is not slow cooked!