Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why Life Choices for Health?

When I was considering starting a blog to help others in their quest for good health, I was thinking 'what does it take' and 'what have I learned' that I could comfortably share?

I realized after reading Darren Hardy's book, 'The Compound Effect', that it is a matter of daily choices, consistently, over a life time that makes all the difference not only in our health but in our overall quality of life.  He states - 'Our choices can be our best friend or our worst enemy.  They can deliver us to our goals or send us orbiting into a galaxy far, far away.'

How many of our choices quickly become habits that we seem to have no control over?  This really spoke to me!  So here are a few questions I've been asking myself that you may want to consider:

  • Do I eat breakfast or just reach for that cup of coffee?
  • What are my favorite foods?  Do I eat them 'unconsciously'?
  • Do I get enough sleep or do I let the TV/Computer keep me up late at night?
  • Do I exercise regularly or participate in a sport?
  • Do I drink enough pure water daily or reach for a soda?
  • Am I chewing my food well enough for good digestion?
  • Do I worry too much about things I have no control over?
  • Do I associate with positive, uplifting people?
  • Do I reach too frequently for that glass of wine when I'm stressed?
  • Do I smoke and if so, why?
  • Am I reading and watching too much negative news?

You get the idea!  So, please check out the few 'pages' I've created and 'subscribe' if you would like to get each of my future posts directly.  My hope is that you'll find some tips and information that may be helpful to you.

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